We've had snow(!) the last couple of days, despite the temperature being above freezing - about 36 degrees. The plants don't seem to mind, although the seeds that we planted in the ground are taking their time. Below is the clematis armandii in the back corner, which has taken off and is doing what I envisioned. I like that I can see it from the deck. The yellow thing hanging from the rose bush is a praying mantis egg case in protective netting. The other clematises are getting new growth, as are the roses.

My latest pair of socks. They fit pretty well, but could stand to be a tad smaller and snugger. And I need to do something about the toe - I have a wide toe, so probably decreasing more gradually and having more stitches at the end would work better.

The flowers are so pretty!
After so many years in the south, I'm impressed by the delicacy of northern flowers. They seem very fresh and dewy, in contrast to tropical flowers which tend to be kind of tough and brassy. This time of year we are getting ready to euthanize all our wimpier flowers like impatiens so we can replace them with hardy varieties that have a chance to live through the summer--kalanchoe, maybe, or lantana.
They are lovely. Drifts of white flowers. Makes me wish and hope. I still have 3 feet of crusty cold white snow. And more in the back If this weather keeps up, its going to be late May till it is completly gone. Interesting point about the delicacy of flowers here, kb.
As to the toe problem, that is the really interesting thing about socks. You can custom fit them like nothing else. One of my boys has a big toe that must surely be prehensile it is so long, and I have to reknit a grey sock to accomodate that gangly appendage. I think I'm going to do his decreases sort of like and offset star toe. Instead of 2 decreases at each side (aletrnating with a plain row) I put one decrease at each side, and then about a third of the way across I do the other decrease, one on the top of the foot and one on the bottom of the foot. My goal is to get the pointy toe part where his socks stress. I don't know if I'm explaining it well, but one day soon it will appear on the blog.
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