Spring so far has been very cold and rainy, but we have had a few sunny, dry stretches. Flowers have been a bit a late, but I'm so pleased to have some long-spurred columbine in bloom. I have a lot of columbine that started with seeds from my Aunt Helen - mostly purple, some pinks, which have self-seeded all over the yard. I have tried to get the long-spurred McKana's Giants going, but with no success till now. I suppose I should have bought plants, but they always seemed so expensive. Somehow the seeds have been difficult for me. These are from seeds I started last spring, and I could not be more pleased:

I love the light shade of yellow, and the spurs definitely are long!
These are some interesting pink columbine:

The Therese Bugnet rugosa rose:

Most everything is doing well. The ferns have all come back, the New Zealand flax which took a beating over the winter is getting new growth. The mock orange, which my husband cut back severely and moved to a sunnier spot, even has a few flower buds (it has never flowered much at all).
Beautiful flowers. As always.
You're making the world a more beautiful place, in more ways than one...
Happy spring!
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